25 Oct How to Think Like a Millionaire CEO
In this episode of “Y.E.L. 2.0”, your host Peter Voogd, serial Entrepreneur, Mentor, Speaker, Best-selling Author and Husband talks about how to think like a Millionaire CEO. He shares his views in terms of understanding the business and ways to realize the likelihood of marketplace. Peter discusses the various mistakes people make in creating their business without leverage or scale.
Episode Highlights:
- Peter says that people don’t think things through and then eventually get burned-out trying to prospect who has been there while creating the business.
- He mentions that the first programme he created was the NFL which was an actual programme to help the NFL Players manage money.
- Peter states that there are a lot of people that have millions of followers, but they don’t really have any loyal followers that actually buy from them.
- He talks about, “How do you get more raving fans?” According to Peter, it’s better to have 500 raving fans that are loyal, that love what you do that buy everything you have, then have 50,000 followers that just kind of follow.
- Peter points out that the first step to build a brand is to know your role and what topic or skill you want to master. You got to figure out what skill do you want to dominate and really be known for it.
- “It’s not even worth millions of dollars living stressed and frustrated.” Says Peter.
Three Key Points
- As per Peter, the number one mistake people make is trying to sell themselves in their expertise more than the solution or outcome to the prospect from a desire. This is the single reason why 18, 19 and 20 years old multimillionaires get broke than 15 or 16 year olds that have more experience than the kid.
- The new way to market in order to make a lot of money, without a tonne of experience is to master a specific craft and then focus purely on the solution and outcome that your customer wants. Don’t get hung-up on “I don’t have enough experience”. Peter thinks that the worst thing you can do right now in the marketplace is be just another worst.
- If you get someone to result in your marketing, in your value before you even ask them for anything, the likelihood of them buying is 10x plus. A lot of people’s free content is not creating raving fans because they’re not actually giving real values.
So having the right hire when you get to a certain level; it's not how can I do this, it's who can do this for me, who can help me do this and be a part, right? Keep that in mind. Share on X
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You can download Peter’s exclusive networking blueprint at https://gamechangersmovement.com/networking – This blueprint will give you the exact scripts Peter uses to get ahold of anybody.
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