15 Apr How To Raise Your Standards – Why Standards Matter – Film by Peter Voogd – Talk at Tai Lopez Mansion
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GameChangers Film #5 Staring Peter Voogd: How To Raise Your Standards – Why Standards Matter –
Film by Peter Voogd – Talk at Tai Lopez Mansion — Gamechangers Movement: http://gamechangersmovement.com/
Special thanks to Tai Lopez and Mark Lack.
What are you tolerating?
Are you settling for a mediocre life? Are you letting your standards slip? The standards you allow in your life are what guide the direction your life will head. Tolerate low standards you will live a mediocre life. Hold yourself and others to high standards, and you will get amazing results.
In this Game Changers film, Peter delivers five steps that will help you raise your standards to get more out of life and business.
What is the most important standard you want to work on now? Write your answer in the comments below!
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