23 Jun How To Build A Million Dollar Network
Do you want to become an A-Player in your industry? Want to connect with key influencers who are leading the game?
Learn the tactical steps to building your dream network and how to turn it into a money making machine.
In today’s episode, best selling author of ‘Shorten The Gap’, Mark Lack, talks about the importance of building high level relationships in your industry. He shares the ultimate networking strategies that have helped him build a billion dollar network and offers the key steps to creating a 6-figure income stream by facilitating value within your relationships.
In this episode, you will learn . . .
- The importance of creating key relationships for sponsorships
- How to create and connect with your ‘Dream 100’
- How to make money become a relationship value facilitator
- The key steps to create a strong ‘value proposition’
Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode…
Tony Robbins
John Assaraf
‘Shorten The Gap’ by Mark A. Lack
What’s the best networking tip from today’s episode that will help you build your dream network? Share with us in the comments below…
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Ralph Joyner, DC, MS
Posted at 09:56h, 24 JuneThe presenter was, right on. I hadn’t thought of it that way before but, when the smoke clears, it is whatever work you put in, only leads to the success you deserve. You can’t merely ask, wish, want or need it. Thank you, gentlemen.
Peter Voogd
Posted at 22:54h, 26 JuneThank you for listening!