28 Jan Thinking and Acting Like a Millionaire
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Let’s Connect on Social Media:
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- #1 Academy for Serious Entrepreneurs
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In this episode of Y.E.L 2.0, your host Peter Voogd teaches you how to market like a millionaire. It’s all about getting in the head of your desired audience. People will only buy from you when they feel understood!
Episode Highlights:
- Come up with 5 reasons that someone should do business with you over your competition
- Don’t ever say that you are honest and ethical, show that with your actions
- Make your movement exclusive so that people want to be part of it; don’t sound needy
- Peter has had to shift from the doing of the thing to an elite marketer of the thing that you have built
- Marketing acts as an insight to the solution that you provide for the problems that your audience faces
- You can work as hard as possible and still not achieve the results and success
- Know that your product or service is so good that if you can’t get it out, you are doing the world a disservice
- Determine your audience’s real ambitions and motivations, and then provide that
- Peter’s biggest value is to create freedom for himself and his family, and that’s what motivates him now
- The key to getting people to buy your service or product is understanding the conversation that they are having in their head
- Separate yourself by bringing people in with free value, and once you find their goals, then offer the mentorship
- Bring people in in a way that is both consistent and filled with so much value that they can’t help but dive in
- Make sure that your marketing is based on current events and audience expansion
- Stay adaptable; whatever worked for your marketing before the pandemic will not work now
- Test on as many platforms as you can to see where you get the most engagement
Three Key Points
- Becoming an expert marketer is the best way to take your product or service to the next level beyond just doing that thing.
- Marketing can be broken down to think, feel, and act. This is how you give your audience insight into the solution that you provide.
- You have to be incredibly confident and excited about what you do, knowing that if you don’t sell it, you’ll be doing the world a disservice.
You can download Peter’s exclusive networking blueprint at https://gamechangersmovement.com/networking – This blueprint will give you the exact scripts Peter uses to get ahold of anybody.
Let’s Connect on Social Media:
Follow Peter Voogd
- #1 Academy for Serious Entrepreneurs
- One of the Premier Networking Communities
- Millionaire Guest Speakers/Exclusive Mastermind Calls
- Over 500 Testimonials
- Featured in Entrepreneur and Forbes Magazine
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