09 Jan A Clear Guide To Becoming Wealthy
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Let’s Connect on Social Media:
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In this episode of Y.E.L 2.0, your host Peter Voogd provides a clear guide to achieve your goals by sharing 10 traits and proven money-making focuses!
Episode Highlights:
- People tell themselves a plethora of lies as to why they cannot achieve their goals and become rich on the way
- The traditional ways of becoming wealthy are disappearing
- Through the internet, the wealthy are becoming younger and younger, while the poor are getting older and older
- Most of society has not been taught how to build real wealth because they were never taught how money works
- Unfortunately, the subject of money is taught at home, not at school, so bad habits are passed down from generation to generation
- It’s impossible to create long-term wealth if you don’t respect or value money
- Understanding how money works and appreciating it is the best way to solve problems and build sustained wealth
- Over 70% of lottery winners lose all of the money that they won in just 3-5 years because they don’t know how to handle money
- Before you can maximize your business, you must have a scalable vehicle to get there that will keep you engaged in the long-term
- Ask yourself all the questions that you need to be aware of before you dive into the pool
- Knowing yourself well enough to get yourself to do things in the times that you least feel like doing them
- Having a good circle of influence and the right set of reasons can teach you to be as resourceful as possible
- Get control of your emotions or they will control you and send you back to where you started
- Focus and concentrate on the right activities that will help you grow yourself and your business
- Effective marketing is done by those that believe in their product to the point that it would be a disservice not to show the world
- 3 ways to grow your revenue: increase your number of clients, average sale price, and how many times they buy per year
- Put a system in place where you reward people for referring their networks to your business
- Position yourself as the leading authority in your marketplace and your business will come to you
- Hire slow and delegate tasks properly in order to avoid as many setbacks as possible
- Speed kills; challenge yourself to handle your business tasks as quickly as you can and your growth will skyrocket
- Understanding the importance of writing effective copy separates the lions from the zebras
Three Key Points
- At present, the economy is based on skills as compared to the past when it was based on certificates.
- Your number 1 priority when it comes time to grow your business is knowing your numbers, all of your numbers.
- It’s important to have complete control over your emotions so that you can make logical decisions in times when you are overwhelmed with emotion.
You can download Peter’s exclusive networking blueprint at https://gamechangersmovement.com/networking – This blueprint will give you the exact scripts Peter uses to get ahold of anybody.
Let’s Connect on Social Media:
Follow Peter Voogd
- #1 Academy for Serious Entrepreneurs
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- Over 500 Testimonials
- Featured in Entrepreneur and Forbes Magazine
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