10 Nov Rise And Grind: How You Spend 24 Hours Matters
Everyone has 24 hours to spend in a day. But the one thing that differentiates successful and influential people from those who perennially struggle is the way they spend their hours. It starts the moment you ought to wake up. If you hit snooze all the time, you’ll end up working for somebody who doesn’t.
To be a game changer, to live the best life you can possibly have, and to get results, you have to rise and grind. You simply have to hustle. After all, time is your most valuable resource and how you view and use it determines whether you’ll achieve success, freedom and fulfilment.
Don’t end up like people who hold a sorry bag of regret through retirement age. People who lived their lives according to the expectations of others, wasting all their precious hours on things they disliked or those that distract them from reaching their goals. If you live day to day like most people who just let circumstances control their lives, you’ll be in a very bumpy ride without getting an inch closer to your dreams.
To succeed, live on your own terms by consciously spending time on the things that matter most to you. Build habits of excellence by doing more to become more.
Never let a day go by without producing value. You can reinforce a critical skill, maximize an experience, give something back to the community by volunteering, or learn an important life or business lesson. The secret sauce is to consider the time you spend as an investment for personal or professional growth.
In just about six minutes, I’ve distilled the steps you need to do all that. And I invite you to listen closely to the bite-sized podcast.
In this episode, you will learn . . .
- How to begin your day with purpose
- Why saying you don’t have time is the excuse of whiners, mediocre performers, and people who chase the wrong priorities
- How to spend each 24-hour day to get you closer to your goals
- Why cutting the time spent on distractions such as TV, games, unnecessary naps, and social media will help you save time for more valuable activities
What’s something very important to you want to spend more time on? Comment below!
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