01 Apr Tesla Talks: Sacrificing for the Greater Good
Tesla Talks: Sacrificing For The Greater Good 04/01/21.
On this episode of Y.E.L. 2.0, your host Peter Voogd, serial entrepreneur, mentor, speaker, best-selling author, husband, and father discusses the power of mastering your reality by being willing to make sacrifices to create a life that you desire.
Episode Highlights:
- Peter Voogd went on a studying spree of the world’s most elite and successful people.
- Value your craft over your comfort level in the current moment.
- If you are not where you want to be, you need to go extra hard for it.
- Peter’s fear growing up in a small town was of becoming mediocre.
- Build something bigger through sacrifice.
- This new era will destroy people not willing to step up and go the extra mile.
Three Key Points
- You have to value your vision to be successful.
- Are you willing to work seven days a week towards your goals and dreams?
- If you keep following society’s norms like taking weekends off, you will end up like society.
You can download Peter’s exclusive networking blueprint at https://gamechangersmovement.com/networking – This blueprint will give you the exact scripts Peter uses to get ahold of anybody.
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