03 May The Wrong Addiction
What are you addicted to? Because that defines you. In this episode, Peter Voogd explains why ‘mastery’ is the highest form of accomplishment and the only way to become successful is to master the fundamentals that are matched to the end result and to the end game that you want accomplish.
In this episode, you will . . .
- Learn about the biggest problems why most people are getting overwhelmed and not taking action
- Undrestand the wrong advice most people tell you that leads to no results
- Discover the #1 thing that will help you break through overwhelm
- Learn the best way to run your business and life
- Undesrstand the importance of adopting minimalism and mastery
- Learn the exact steps on how to increase implementation daily
- Learn what to do every night and morning to increase your results
- Undestand the #1 key reason why you may be feeling like you’re not progressing
- Understand why skill development is absolutely vital in the new economy
- Learn the quickest way to learn something
- Understand why patience is important to achieve mastery
- Get the FREE “6 Months To 6 Figures” Action Plan! »
Download FREE Action Guide Now
Mastery is the highest form of accomplishment Share on X Subconsciously when you’re overwhelmed, you seek distraction Share on X The mature mind is very deliberate with what they study and what they put in their mind Share on X
Jared Rogers
Posted at 06:56h, 05 MayBEAST 🙂
Posted at 18:44h, 19 MayThanks for tuning in Jared! – Markado
Delisa Payne
Posted at 12:09h, 05 Mayi love you Peter!!! Thank you…. all the way from INDIANA!!! LOL!!!