How to Build a Thriving Relationship

How to Build a Thriving Relationship



How well do you know your significant other? This episode is part 1 to the 8 key components in creating a thriving relationship.

For many of you, this could be your favorite episode because it’s featuring my amazing wife Kayla! We’ve been getting a ton of people interested in what it takes to create a business and relationship that is congruent, so I had to bring this to the forefront and talk about it.

We’ll be sharing some experiences about how Kayla and I have built this relationship and what it takes to not only know, but understand each other at the highest level. Take note as we have a lot of tips on what makes a relationship special, how to overcome challenges, and thrive as a couple.

In this episode, you will learn . . .

  • How to build a thriving relationship with your significant other
  • How to create a business and a relationship that is congruent
  • Tips on how Kayla and I have built our relationship at the highest level.
Understand who you are and what your values are before anything Share on X Communication is huge Share on X Put yourself in the other person’s perspective Share on X


1 Comment
  • Esperanza De Castro
    Posted at 05:30h, 01 August

    Hey Peter and Kayla! Thank you so much for posting this! I have been waiting for something like this for a long time and I’m glad that you guys did. I have never met you both in person but I can tell how amazing and solid your relationship is so I really do appreciate all your tips and advise.

    I did have a question though. I feel as though I’ve still got some maturing to do and I know my self to an extent but there are still a lot I need to discover. Is it possible to build a thriving relationship while I’m still trying to figure my self out or should I take the time to really find my self before even thinking of being with someone?

    I’d really appreciate your input on this.

    Much appreciation,

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