Think. Things. Through. Then. Follow. Through.
The 6 most important words you’ll ever hear in business and entrepreneurship. These words have changed my life, my peace of mind, increased my results, increased my respect level from my peers and increased every area of my life in business. Most people don’t live by these 6 words sadly and I wanna share them with you.
There is nothing more important than following through on your word and operating at world class in all areas.
I’ll be sharing the 5 keys to making sure that you understand and follow through on your word but please realize the importance of this. Subconsciously, if you don’t follow through on your word, people lose respect for you.
Successful people put nothing above that. They only give newcomers or those new entrepreneurs, or people they want to invest in, one chance.
So, get real with yourself and become a man or woman of your word.
In this episode, you will learn . . .
- The 6 most important words you’ll ever hear in business and entrepreneurship
- 5 Keys to make sure you understand and follow through on your word
- 3 things you can control
Alisha Cooper
Posted at 19:11h, 25 SeptemberSincere apologies
September 25, 2017
Hello Peter Voogd,
First, a big thank you!
I gained much value & Insight from YEL062 Episode …The 6 most Important Words In Life & Business!
I didn’t realize I was as immature of a learner as I have been & even though I have grown & even though at times I may have justification for many things it was my 23 year old son Richie that did me a favor by ripping the bandaid of punching me in the gut “hypothetically, and told me two weeks ago what I wish someone had done b4 ..I won’t say what was lets just say it woke me up as this episode has 2 but if he hadn’t awoken my distorted view ,I never would have heard in this episode what I needed to in order to address and amend my wrongs.I say this because I am a person of my word ,that’s the only thing I have and I know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a F@#$ You…When someone doesn’t follow through!It feels as though the person who didnt keep thier word disrespected,devalued and thinks nothing of who I am and that I dont matter and I never want to make someone especially those I value to feel that way! It especially hurts when someone doesn’t acknowledge the pain they’ve caused.A minute ago I said I’m of my word this is what I’ve realized ,I am of my word to my ignorance of what it means to be of one’s word.Ignorance & denial can destroy without one knowing they are causing destruction.I am a very caring person ,my intentions are always to do the right thing,but sometimes I don’t see that my immature knowledge of a matter in fact puts me in the wrong until someone give it to me straight without coddling my feelings.
Peter I share all this not to rob you of your time with irrelevant information or to talk about me,I share this to show my process of understanding that I wronged and disrespected you and your wife by not following through on my word !You both believed in me,gave me opportunities and upon just realizing this I must apologize! I never intended to disrespect .I seriously was that blind to how I did not hold on despite of everything,yes I may have all reason and right to justify why but as my son made me realize reason don’t matter results and follow through is the only thing that does!
So I want to apologize and amend my wrongs ,I will not talk about how I will amend I will only show up and follow through.
I pray you can forgive me ?
I know you are wise beyond your years and a man of great character that is why I respect you so much even though my ignorance & Immaturity may present differently I assure you that it is only lack of knowledge and distortion of emotion and intellect of the wrong accord that produces the wrong output as I’m sure you already know!
I only pray to become the best I can be that nothing distorts my intent ,,mission and god’s plan for who Im meant to be, in order to help the world just like Peter .V .
You Peter are definitely Legendary and what the world needs and who we need to teach children to be, as to also mold people into a image of likeness in order for we the people need to work and help you Peter set free the things that need to be brought to the light shifting darkness to a highest state of light .Teachin generations so they don’t have to fright they can live fulfilled and happy so they can sleep at night.Now that’s what I call the best vision in sight.
?Student in achieving mastery,
Alisha Cooper
Charmaine Bather
Posted at 07:39h, 26 SeptemberGreat reminder Peter!
Peter Voogd
Posted at 09:02h, 28 SeptemberThanks Charmaine and Alisha! Appreciate your thoughts!
Gayle Turner
Posted at 05:27h, 09 OctoberMastering freedom over my own life and not having to be a slave in someone else’s agenda.