11 Aug Mental Tricks Billionaires Use to Separate Themselves from Everyone Else
One of the most common questions I’ve gotten this past couple months has been regarding mindset. People are starting to realize how crucial their mindset is when it comes to acheivement, success, and peace of mind.
Today I talk about the importance of your mindset in a very tactical and comprehensive way. I’m always looking for ways to give you the competitive advantage, and knowing these keys will play a huge role in differentiating yourself from the competition. It’s not talked about enough, but too often – your mindset dictates your results. Join Markado and myself as I shine a spotlight on the inner life of millionaires and billionaires.
In this episode, you will learn . . .
- The power of association and what it takes to get to the next level
- The difference between know-it alls and learn-it alls and why it’s important to know
- How a new perspective affects your reality
- How to be more productive and persistent in your life
- How to develop a bulletproof mindset and shift your influence so that you think bigger
Among the hacks mentioned, which one would make the biggest impact in your life?
Ronnie Bryan
Posted at 08:45h, 12 AugustI would say Produce more,Problem I am running into is in some cases lack of necessary income,in some cases understanding how to reach that income level.I recently, finished last month a book by David Long “Built to lead” in it he says,” People often, believe the grass is greener on the other side, so, they move to the greener grass but leave their own lawn UN-watered.” It was from that point I decided to get to a producer means, to stop searching and be the best where I am at.I also continue to brainstorm ideas and have changed who I hang around.I want to be around people who working for $9.00 or $9.25 per hour is embarrassing.
Posted at 14:12h, 13 AugustBrotha Peter,
Thanks so much for this massive value here.
For me creating my own energy bubble, saying fuck the haters, going for the dream amidst the mass of quiet desperation.
Im taking masssive action man, thanks for inspiring.
Heres a massive video i just released, blowing up in Mexico:
Stay hungry
Peter Voogd
Posted at 14:42h, 13 AugustThanks for checking out the podcast. We really appreciate it!