17 Apr Maximize Profit & Systematize Income
On this episode of Y.E.L. 2.0, your host Peter Voogd, serial entrepreneur, mentor, speaker, best-selling author, husband, and father talks about ways to maximize business profits. He gives out great tips to scale-up your business. According to him the biggest key to business is getting and keeping customers.
Episode Highlights:
- You can create maximum profit when there is maximum pessimism.
- Peter says who we associate with and who we connect with, is how our philosophy is formed in business.
- There is a need to have the right foundation and principles in our head before we can ever make changes.
- There’s only one focus in business and that should be the consistent focus.
- Number one purpose in business is getting and keeping customer.
- You have to have a strong referral focus.
- Most businesses 90% focus on increasing number of clients.
- How are we viewed and positioned in the marketplace, how many testimonials do we have out there.
- How fast is your speed of implementation?
- To keep things consistent in business do periodic check-ups.
Three Key Points
- Know your business; write down all the things that you are doing in your business.
- Need to understand that it’s about getting and keeping customers.
- Referrals can be one of the most important tools to exponentially grow your business; hiring, delegation and right positioning of experts is a big profit maximizer too.
If you would have told me I was ever going to even make six figures in entrepreneurship, I would have laughed in your face. Share on X
If you happen to be dissatisfied with your income, you have to investigate all the excuses. Share on X
You can download Peter’s exclusive networking blueprint at https://gamechangersmovement.com/networking – This blueprint will give you the exact scripts Peter uses to get ahold of anybody.
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