10 Aug The Ultimate Competitive Advantage Nobody Talks About (Energy)
How do you stay passionate and motivated? The hard truth is that you won’t always be motivated. You need to realise that motivation is a feeling that comes and goes. It’s crucial to work out what time of day or week you will be in the zone, and prioritise your most important tasks during that time.
There are mental and physical aspects of being in the energised, and you need to possess both in order to be at your peak performance. The biggest reasons why people subconsciously settle for mediocre results is because they lose their reasons and the inner drive of their ‘why’. Let your vision and compelling reasons guide you, rather than your current circumstances.
When I’m feeling frustrated and not in the zone, I always have to remind myself to stay grateful. You need to shift your mental state. Think, what are the things are you grateful for? I’m most grateful for being healthy, doing what I love, being an entrepreneur and having freedom, my amazing wife and my family.
I used to be dead broke and discouraged. I’ve realized, sometimes it takes standing outside of yourself, to help those who are struggling. If you’re struggling, and you see someone worse off than you, and you can make their day? It’s impossible to continue to struggle. In fact, you will be motivated. Don’t underestimate the importance of making someone’s day.
So just be grateful for wherever you are in life, whether it’s good or bad. If I were to never experience the struggles that I went through, I would be nowhere near as hungry as I am now.
Let’s dive in!
In this episode, you will learn . . .
- Peter’s biggest realisation about motivation
- How to strategically get yourself motivated when you’re not feeling it
- The mental and physical aspects of real motivation
- The importance of gratitude, having clarity and strong compelling reasons so you don’t settle
- Why you should eliminate energy drainers both in your personal and professional life
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Have clarity and strong reasons for why you’re doing what you’re doing Share on X
If someone can do something 80% as good as you, delegate it Share on X
People are going to judge you anyway. You may as well be who you want to be Share on X