Author: Jordan Maldonado

In today’s YEL 3.0 episode, I’m going to share with you exactly how you can recession-proof your life & business. Listen to it here. There's going to be more opportunities than ever in the next 12 months. But what you do right now matters. Remember… An opportunity is only an...

We’re no doubt living in the greatest transfer of wealth that’s ever existed. There will be more opportunities in the next 12-24 months than the previous 100 years combined. But the bad news is, most people aren’t prepared to take advantage. They’re watching Netflix, partying, drinking, relaxing...

“The World Economic Forum estimates that 85 million jobs will be replaced by machines with AI by 2025” — Allwork Space “US, UK, Europe, Japan will be in recession over next 12 months” — CNBC “Nearly 6 in 10 Americans don’t have enough savings to cover a...

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